LR mirror Matthew Delacroix

Published 10 / 05 / 2021

Mathieu Delacroix wonders about the multiple formal and functional possibilities that wooden planks of the same sections could offer. By playing with assemblies, shapes, counter-shapes and voids will be born and give rise to new uses. If this designer is known for some of his collaborations with manufacturers, publishers or craftsmen, for this first demonstration, LR Mirror is self-produced. 

Made from recovered planks, the sections are cut and assembled using a system of pins and wood glue. Impregnated by Japanese culture and aesthetics, Mathieu Delacroix puts into practice a technique he was confronted with during his studies in Nagoya, the Shou Sugi Ban. To obtain a deep black, a combustion of the wood was carried out using a torch in two passes. The solid fir planks were then rinsed with clean water and then varnished. In contrast to the mirror's smooth, cold and inert surface, the wood is contrasting, rough and vibrant. 

This small support 440mm high by 350mm wide, both mirror and display, is at the border between functional object and sculpture. Here, the use of the object imposed itself after its form. 

Article written by Barbara Roussel.