Chestnut Identity card

Published 23 / 06 / 2020

Scientific name: Castanea

Classification: Fagaceae family

Common chestnut

Scientific name: Castanea Sativa

Maximum tree height: 35 m

Maximum tree diameter: 40 cm

Density: 0,55 to 0,75

Wood characteristics: Yellow / brown heartwood color. Sapwood color yellowish white. Medium grain, porous areas. Semi-hard, semi-heavy wood. Durable heartwood. Supple, almost rot-proof. 

Mechanical properties: Generally more elastic than oak, but less adherent and fissile. Fairly low total shrinkage. Moderately nervous. Good elasticity. 

Technological properties: Normal to slow drying. Easy to finish. Bends well. Very durable heartwood but subject to particular overheating.